The 26th SummerJazzCycleTour's programme offers 25 concerts at 22 venues. It starts on Saturday 25 August at 12.30 hrs and the final concert ends in Garnwerd at midnight. The idea is to make choices, as it is impossible to attend all concerts.



To help you we've set five possible routes, with various options to change course to another route along the way. The five routes are indicated in five different colours on the map. On the road the routes are signposted with SummerJazzCycleTour signs. The five routes can also be found with the information about the bands. We have indicated the routes here.



There are five starting points. These are the only places where go-as-you-please tickets are sold and reservations may be collected. The special SummerJazzCycleTour T-shirts are also on sale here..


Route 1 - Church Aduard (box office open 11.30-14.30)  The Nordic Route
Route 2 – Tent Garnwerd, across from the windmill (box office open 12.00-24.00u)

Route 3 - Aduard Factory (box office open 11.30-14.30)
Route 4 – Buitenplaats Reitdiep Noorderhoogebrug (box office open 11.30-14.30)
Route 5 - Tent Garnwerd, across from the windmill (box office open 12.00-24.00u)



The tent near the windmill in Garnwerd is open all day for ticket sales, information, coffee and rolls. The first aid team is also on post here.
At 18.00 hrs you can buy a meal here, provided by 't Kookpunt.
Dinner music will be provided by DJ E-man. From 20.00 hrs DJ Swingmaster and DJ Eddy will perform here with their fantastic collection of 78s. The SummerJazzCycleTour will have its festive finale at 22.00 hrs with Maison du Malheur’s blues roots music.













Performances start strictly on time. Every band plays two 45 minute sets. The sets are indicated in the timetable as set 1 and set 2. Between sets there will be a 30 minute interval. This may be used to cycle to the next venue.



If you're very keen on attending a concert, make sure to be there early, because full=full!



You can start at every second set. Second sets often prove to be less crowded.



Pick a convenient moment to walk in and out, for instance during the applause, so as not to disturb the musicians' and audience's concentration. And don't forget to turn off your cell phone during concerts!



Nearly all concert venues offer snacks and drinks of some sort on Saturday. From homemade soup to all sorts of savoury pies. At the end of the SummerJazzCycleTour catering service 't Kookpunt serves up a delicious biological meal (cheese fondue or a casserole with bread) in the Garnwerd tent between 18.00 and 22.00 hrs. for only € 7.50. The tent can be found across from the windmill.



We are very interested in your experiences, remarks, criticism, compliments, anecdotes, suggestions and digital photographs and films. You can mail your reactions to or